50% off first 2 months
£12.84/week(ex. tax)
£25.68 after discount period
Show order summary
Billed every month
Special Offer
Total (ex. tax)
After discount period

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Move in details are sent to this number.

About you

Enter your address

Your storage requirements

Any day from today to 13th March.


You must have a property protection policy to store with us. You can purchase an appropriate amount of Storeprotect cover alongside your booking. Simply select how much it would cost to replace the value of the items being stored and we’ll add the cost of this cover to your bill.
Protection cover cost
/week (ex. tax)

Payment method

Please note

You won’t be charged anything until your move in day and you can change you move in date anytime for free.

If you would like to rent office space please contact our team for availability.

You must provide sign a digital contract in the name of the person making the booking before you move into your new self storage unit.
Payments are secure and encrypted.
“Great service, secure site with CCTV and electronic security gates, 24 hour access and a friendly helpfully service. Everything completed online easily.”
Nathan Jones

80 sq ft Self Storage Unit

Size of transit van

50% off first 2 months
£12.84/week(ex. tax)
£25.68 after discount period
Show order summary
Billed every month
Special Offer
Total (ex. tax)
After discount period